

Authors of accepted papers from the UCNC2015 open call must register by 23:59 UTC (GMT) on 1 May 2015 for the paper to be included in the proceedings. Authors of posters from the UCNC2015 open call must register by 23:59 UTC (GMT) on 5 May 2015. Authors of accepted papers or posters at one of the UCNC satellite workshops must register by the deadline specified by the respective workshop. Registration at early-bird rates will now be available until 31 July 2015, 2359 UTC. Each accepted paper or poster must be accompanied by at least one full or student registration. This registration will be non-refundable under any circumstances. Papers or posters cannot be included based on a day registration only.

Full and student registrations include: Participation in UCNC and any workshop sessions, a copy of the UCNC proceedings, all day tea/coffee/water, morning/afternoon tea, and lunch, as well as participation in the conference banquet on Thursday, 3rd of September.

Day registrations include: Participation in UCNC and any workshop sessions and other conference activities on the given day, all day tea/coffee/water, morning/afternoon tea, and lunch (but not banquet). Day registrations are not available to participants with accepted papers or posters in UCNC or one of the satellite workshops.

Registration fees (in New Zealand dollars):

  • Full registration (early bird): $770 (extended until 31 July 2015, 23:59 UTC)
  • Full registration after 15 July 2015: $850.
  • Student registration (early bird): $400 (extended until 31 July 2015, 23:59 UTC)
  • Student registration after 15 July 2015: $480
  • Day registrations: $240 per day.
  • Additional dinner tickets: $110 per person
  • Additional copies of the UCNC2015 proceedings: $50 each

Follow this link to register for UCNC2015. Please note: The registration page is operated by University of Auckland Event Services. In case of difficulties, please contact Wiebke Andresen Note that if you are purchasing additional dinner tickets or additional copies of the proceedings, these will not show as separate subtotals in the registration summary. However, they will be included in the grand total and as separate positions in the tax invoice and receipt that will be sent to you in the registration confirmation e-mail.